
Juvenile Sex Offender Registration (JSOR) Impact Survey
(If you have never had to register as a sex offender you may also qualify for this survey)

It is important that you review the JSOR Impact Study Consent Form so that you understand some important things about  this study before you decide whether you want to participate.  The consent form is found on pages 2 and 3 of this survey.

By participating in this study and completing the survey, it is assumed that you allow your answers to be used for research purposes. 

The purpose of this study is to learn how sex offender registration laws might affect juvenile offenders after they've reached adulthood.  The results from this study will help to inform politicians as they create future sexual abuse prevention laws. 

You are eligible to participate in this study if you currently live in the United States, are between 21 and 39 years of age, and meet one of the following conditions:

      • You have never had to register as a sex offender
      • You are currently required to register as a sex offender only because of 1 or more offenses that occurred when you
         were less than
18 years of age (the offense may have been handled in juvenile/family or adult court)

      • You were previously required to register as a sex offender only because of 1 or more offenses that occurred when
         you were less than
18 years of age, but you no longer have to register (the offenses may have been handled
         in juvenile/family or adult court)

Your responsibilities in this study are to:

      • Read the entire consent form before participating,
      • Answer on-line survey questions using the internet that take approximately 20 to 30 minutes to complete 

If you have any questions about this study, or to obtain the results of this study after the answers to the questions in this study have been analyzed, please contact the researcher at  You can also find the results posted at:  

Being in this type of study may involve some risk of minor discomfort similar to what you might encounter in daily life, such as stress, or becoming upset as you recall your experiences. If you feel discomfort and would like mental health assistance, call or go on-line to: 
The National Hopeline Center

1-800-442-HOPE or

Thank you for your participation in this very important study.
2% of survey complete.