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Justice Center Webinar - Sex Offender Re Entry

02 May 2014 9:30 PM | Deleted user

Excellent statistics and information in this webinar.


An Overview of Sex Offender Reentry: Building a Foundation for Professionals

The challenges associated with reentry after incarceration are intensified for individuals who have been convicted of sex offenses. Research reveals that upon return to the community, sex offenders are more likely to be rearrested for a non-sex crime than a new sex crime, and that supervision violation rates are high. The field struggles with developing effective comprehensive reentry strategies that respond to the myriad general and specialized needs of sex offenders. This webinar is the first in a series designed for professionals working to prepare individuals convicted of a sexual offense to return to the community. The webinar presents criminal justice professionals and practitioners with an overview of statistics and understandings about the sex offender population, the barriers and challenges to reentry faced by this population, and a framework for professionals responsible for assisting sex offenders with transitioning back into the community.


To listen and watch a PDF presentation: http://csgjusticecenter.org/reentry/webinars/an-overview-of-sex-offender-reentry-building-a-foundation-for-professionals/?utm_source=CSG+Justice+Center+Primary+List&utm_campaign=be4663b60c-4_23_14_NRRC_webinar_available_online5_1_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_db9d88bcfb-be4663b60c-42383765 

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