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Opinion Piece from Sloan44

22 Jun 2015 11:27 PM | Vicki Henry

This is my opinion about the vast disparity surrounding the value of human lives across our nation by comparing two South Carolina hate crimes.

The hate crime carried out by this racist, the murder of the nine at the South Carolina church yesterday was terrible. How someone can just walk in a church and slaughter these people is horrible! I was on Twitter at the time and saw the tweet pop up regarding the incident. Within minutes of the incident it went from local news, the web, the White house, nation wide to world wide.

Within hours, the confederate flag was being blamed..that it promotes racism. How racist groups are to blame. The President, on a live broadcast, made a statement that firearms are to blame. Just this morning, in my email, was a petition to ban the confederate flag from being shown to prevent crimes of this nature. Broadcast, regarding this terrible crime, will continue for weeks. And then it hit me:

What about the other terrible hate crime by the racist in South Carolina that was carried out two years ago. A white supremacist husband and wife vigilante couple, Jeremy and Christine Moody slaughtered Charles and Gretchen Parker. Charles because he was a registrant and Gretchen.."Just because she was in the house"....the ultimate collateral damage.

It Didn't make world wide news, nor nation wide news, it didn't even make it state wide on the news; just local. It should have had the same broadcast bandwidth as the church shooting in S.C of yesterday with comparative statements by the media such as: "The registry is to blame for vigilantism and for this terrible crime!" But I guess the hate crime/racist crime on the Parker's was not news worthy.  


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  • 23 Jun 2015 10:42 AM | John (Administrator)
    Thank you for posting Vicki. Let me just add that both are heartbreaking and tragic in the minds of any person with a heart. Big difference.. They couldn't make any political hay and promote the climate of fear for the purpose of encouraging the spineless to hand over their few remaining liberties from the Parker's murder. Nor does showing pity over the murder of a registrant and an innocent bystander promote their agenda against registrant's. That kind of crime might get the good old people of America feeling down right plucky, or worse, cause the genuinely good people to wake up.. so we'll keep that on the down low.

    Over 500 registrants and family members of, innocent bystander's, have been murdered/killed since the registry was put online. (Links below,One not up to date but more stats)

    Good people are rightly outraged by this multiple murder of these church members. Therefore, the politicians with the help of the their servants in the media, will naturally "Never Let a Good Crisis go to Waste".

    My heart, as well as the Founder and Interim president of Americans for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse (going online Spring 2016) go out to the families of all of these people.
    S-44 (Sloan44)


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  • 07 Jul 2015 6:29 PM | Deleted user
    Vickie, I read your post and I would like comment on it. I think that if 9 sex offenders were massacred it would have made national news. Many times blacks are cut down for nothing, just being black. No crime, no offense and they never make the news. I could go on and on about racism, choke holds, police killing our young, mass incarceration, but I chose not too. WAR is fighting this relatively young prejudice ... and it's good but the war on blacks has been ongoing.

    Too bad there was a comparison at all....The way you worded this really didn't show the empathy it deserved. Just so you know...

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